Thursday, February 21, 2013

Investigation Box

    Jump into Science: Dirt  





Gardening kit
watering can
magnifying glass
pretend bugs
pretend worms
old shoe
soil word find

Description:  My investigation box will be a hands on box that students can get dirty in!  I will use a clear aquarium as the actual box so that students can observe the dirt visually.  Students will be able to play around in the dirt, examining its texture, color, weight, smell, etc.  There will be a watering can at this center so students can add a small amount of water to see what happens when water is added to dry dirt. I will also  have cups and seeds available so students can make their own potted flower to display on the classroom window sill.  I will add worms and bugs to the dirt so the children can have an idea of what they may find in the dirt when they are outside.  Students will be encourages to count the insects found and sort them in any way that they see fit.  I will also have an old shoe in the center and some paper.  The shoe it so students can experiment with making an imprint in the dirt.  Students can explore with adding different pressures to the shoe and seeing how this will effect the imprint.  The paper is there for them to put the shoe on after making an imprint, so they can see how dirt can travel.  For a game in this center, I will have a Soil word find, along with the three books displayed above. 

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